Ae Local Interface Effects

Streamlined and efficient control over your composition, reducing the need for excessive navigation.
UNFORTUNATELY : this is PC only. I will work on a mac version or Universal version in the near future


Buy Me Coffee

This is a free plugin, but if you'd like to support the development, a $5 contribution is greatly appreciated!
Your support helps keep these tools coming.

Let me know if you need further adjustments!

Buy Me Coffee

A.L.I.E Overview

Show  you the basics of how its used
Show Folder
Version Up
Set Comp frame to 1
BG to Black
Frame interpretation
New Comp Length
Command Line Rendering

How to Install

Before opening AE copy the ALIE_v01.jsx to this directory

1..C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects <version>\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels\

2..Once you've put it inside the ScripUI Panels folder
Launch AE go to Edit -> Preferences -> Scripting & Expressions

3..Check "Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network uncheck "Warn User When Executing File"

That should be it.